Paying for your children's college education can seem daunting but with early planning and smart investing, you may be surprised at how much you can accomplish. With a college savings plan, you get tax-deferred growth on earnings while you save and the result can be quite significant
Considering the number of mutual funds that are available, it's highly likely that you'll be able to select funds that match your goals, time frame and risk tolerance level among other factors. The key is to get expert advice and ongoing guidance—that's where a financial adviser can help you make sense of the myriad of options and monitor your progress.
Indians are living longer, active and healthier lives. However, unlike previous generations, most Indians can no longer rely on pensions or Social Security alone. They have to take control of their financial futures and plan for a retirement that could last 25 or 30 years—even longer.
Melissa's story is a hypothetical situation.
It's remarkably easy to estimate how much money your children are likely to need. Connect to our College Cost Calculator, project college costs and take the first step in creating a realistic college savings plan.
Choose from a wide range of options to match your goals, timeframe and comfort level with investment risk.
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